Hamilton Caster Brochures

Hamilton Caster & Wheel Brochure

Caster & Wheel Brochure

A Caster to Some. An Obsession to Hamilton.

Cart and Trailer Guide

Cart & Trailer Brochure

The official Hamilton Caster Cart and Trailer Brochure

Ergo Brochure

Wheel Ergonomic Data Flyer

Access the Largest Library of Caster & Wheel Ergonomic Data in the Industry.

Application Flyers


Aerospace Applications

On the ground, casters and wheels lift aerospace manufacturers.

Case Study Engine Builder Gets Lean with Hamilton

AGV & AMR Applications

HPI ™ technology keeps 24/7 operations from grinding to a halt.

Steering Systems In-Plant Trailers

Automotive & Ergonomic Applications

Maintenance - free casters. No downtime.

AMR AGV Caster and Wheels

Energy Applications

Powering the world’s energy deserves casters you can count on.

Heavy Manufacturing Flyer

Heavy Manufacturing Applications

Grueling jobs demand the most durable casters & wheels.

Heavy Manufacturing Flyer

High Heat Applications

Grueling jobs demand the most durable casters & wheels.

Heavy Manufacturing Flyer

Track Applications

Production stays on track with the best casters and wheels.

Heavy Manufacturing Flyer

Washdown Applications

Keepin ’ it clean.

Heavy Manufacturing Flyer

Speed Applications

Supporting loads up to 10 mph.

White Papers and more...

Principles of InPlant Trailers

Principles of InPlant Trailers

In-plant trailers represent a tried and true method of moving materials through plants safely and efficiently. This white paper addresses the most important design factors to consider when specifying in-plant trailers.

Case Study Engine Builder Gets Lean with Hamilton

Case Study: Engine Builder Gets Lean with Hamilton

While we’re always improving our lean manufacturing process, it’s always satisfying when our products help our customers do the same.

Steering Systems In-Plant Trailers

Steering Systems In-Plant Trailers

When it comes to trailer applications, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Many variables affect performance and cost—load size, wheel arrangement, deck size and steering type, to name a few.

Chemical Resistance Guide.jpg

Wheel Tread Chemical Resistance Guide

This chemical resistance guide is intended to assist you in determining the compatibility of our popular wheel materials with certain chemicals. This chart is intended to serve only as a guide.